The Game begins with an attack on GreenTown by the tan army and sarge battling through the war-tron city to save it. After the battle, sarge is informed by Colonel Grimm that the Tan Army has surrendered and that there will be a peace ceremony later that night, but that a rogue Tan division - operation ''vengeance'' - led by Lord Macile has stolen some infranty molds and can now build an army. Sarge's mission is to find and capture Macile, recover the stolen molds, and locate a missing recon squad.
Sarge arrives in the area (a beach) and battles his way to the Tan portal. There, he discovers plans indicating that Malice has placed a bomb at the peace ceremony, hidden in the Peace Statue. Sarge charges through the portal to stop the ceremony, but he is too late - as the bomb goes off, plastro, colonel Grimm, the Heroes and the green and Tan armies are annihilated. Sarge then sets out to kill Macile.
He battles his way through the remains of Greentown to another Tan portal. Upon proceeding through the portal, he finds himself in Malice's artillery base. Sarge destroy all the artillery and discovers a plastic well mine that Malice is using to build his army. Sarge floods the mine, rendering it nearly useless. He then travels across the desert of Malice's castle. Malice is using the castle as a communication center for his air and ground forces, as well as a prison base for some of the Green army's finest man. Sarge penetrates the castle's defenses, frees the prisoners and destroy the communications tower. Discovering a passage from the castle to a kitchen in the real world, Sarge flashes back to a time when he was in a similar kitchen, in a squad led by Major Gooding. During a mission, Gooding and his squad were ambushed by Tan forces. During the ambush, sarge called in an air strike and found Gooding's arm near the sink, leading him to the conclusion that Gooding was dead. As sarge takes off in the helicopter, the flashback ends, and Sarge moves forth.
System Requirements:
* Recommended: P4-1000
*256 MB RAM
*32 MB Video
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